Friday, February 25, 2011

Organic Hunt in Australia

It's my 6th day today in Australia and I remember one of the organic store owners ( where I work) told me that " I will be having fun choosing lots of organic stuff "in their shops here. So, the other day I started window shopping at Woolies (Woolworths). I saw organic oats and cereals.yay. Next stop was on the hair care section. I chanced upon a brand that claims they only put natural and organic ingredients on their shampoos and conditioners. I read the back label..

Rosemary extract..sunflower..blah.blah.blah and other blahs with enclosed in parentheses that says plant-derived. I got excited..mind was rolling..I read again..blah..blah..blah..and other natural plant extracts I am not familiar with except for guava, passion fruit and cherry blossom (it sounded nice and plant-based) and then came Dimethicone.Aha! Sorry, enough is enough. I don't want to risk my crowning glory just for it.

Next shelf, body wash labels.Checked again the back labels. Oops, Sodium Laureth Sulfate or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. The moment I've read it, I ignored it. Next, I chanced upon another brand that claims only organic ingredients. I got excited again. Oh, it says Sodium Laurl sulfate again! but now, it says  Plant derived. But then, I decided to just forget it. I still have my organic shampoo at home anyway.

That was the other day and yesterday, the hunt starts again as I entered Myers. I saw again cosmetic products that claimed that they have all natural products and ingredients. I read the back label and voila, there isn't a trace of chemicals in the product. Then there's the lip gloss. It has all the natural ingredients anyone could imagine but then, I remember carmine..It's actually made up of crushed insects so just the thought of crushed insects touching your skin or lips is creepy..Well, I tried looking again nd yeah I found some but I already have those. I was actually looking for a product that is not yet available from my favorite brand Human Nature. So, that was it as for the last two days of my organic hunt. Hopefully I could find better ones I could recommend to my brother and soon to be sister-in-law to use in this country. :-)

'Til my next hunt! Choose health, choose organics! :-) 

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Where Did I go Wrong?

I just came from Davao again last weekend to attend the funeral of my uncle. It wasn't the most memorable trip not just because we're supposed to mourn for his loss but also because I was not feeling well. I was catching my breath most of the time due to asthma attack. In fact, I was rushed to the nearest health center to be hooked with a nebulizer  (an apparatus for asthmatics..what a shame!). I began to panic when after two consecutive intakes, shortening of breath strikes again...i did not want to follow everything the doctor prescribed because it only means that I will be filling my body again with those chemicals but I  had no choice. It seems that organic supplements cannot control my predicament anymore. I then asked myself where I have gone wrong especially with the intake of organic supplements. First of all,  I am taking only once or twice a day of DGK (Fruits and Vegetable extracts) and one Malunggay seed a day. I don't want also to fill up my body with all the supplements I can find! I just wanted what I believe, is good and pure for me. As I retold my story to the proponent of DGK, he advised that, if situations like those come again, it would be better to take the supplement as well as take the medicines for faster relief and symptoms persist, of course, consult a physician! Then again, I'd still continue to promote organics products! :-)