Monday, April 22, 2013


And I thought Earth Hour is the same as Earth Day but realized just tonight that today is Earth Day! Anyway, for me Earth Day or Earth Hour which was held last month is just a reminder to take care of the Earth more than ever before!
Why not declare everyday as Earth Day? Maybe you are asking how?

 Here are so common tips to make everyday an Earth Day:

1) Conserve Water - although water consists the most part of the earth, majority of it is still salty water (yeah like bodies of ocean!) and there are already other countries converting salt water to drinking water which makes their water bill high! If we save water, we save bills too!

2) Plant more trees - according to Science, the more trees we plant the more supply of water they seep under the earth  which could mean more water supply to dig deep and less flood too!

3) Conserve Energy - Oh well, here's what Wikipedia had to say: "refers to reducing energy through using less of an energy service. Energy conservation differs from efficient energy use, which refers to using less energy for a constant service."

Need I say more?

Let's declare Earth Day everyday!


ROSETTE of Opting Organics

Photo Credits Here

Monday, April 8, 2013

What To Avoid in a Sunscreen

It's summer once again and we really love to hit the beaches or go somewhere cool even under the heat of the sun! For us Filipinos, it is the time to show our natural color (well, at least the majority wears this skin color!), tan! But hey, Australia's campaign says "there's nothing healthy about a tan"! So we better get rid of  having it if it ain't our natural color! Although some of us are fanatic of skin whitening products ( which they say is equally dangerous to the skin as well) when it comes to summer time, we just can't avoid the scorching heat these days!

Then, we shop around for sunscreens and preferably with large SPF's or Broad Spectrum creams. However, as a natural and organic product user, we need to scrutinize and read carefully the labels of what we buy to protect our skin from further sun damage! Here's a list from Organic Authority and several other sources on what to avoid in a sunscreen:

As it claimed, this is supposed to be good .or us since it is so-called a vitamin A-derivative but no, no, no! New research shows that if this ingredient is added to a sunscreen and exposure to the sun's rays, it further elevates our risk of getting skin cancer along with other health issues
This goes by the name of methanone, 2-hydroxy 4 methoxydenzophenone and benzophenone-3 and labeled to enhance our protection against ultraviolet rays. But, this poses cardiovascular challenges and disrupts human endocrine system as well.
Known as a naturally occurring sunscreen preservative and UV ray deactivator in certain flowering plants , this can potentially cause DNA damage and much worse, detected in urine after two days of application on skin.
Commonly known as PABA which is why a lot of sunscreens now shouts out PABA-free! But don't be deceived, read further the back label 'coz it could also mean that it hides with another name such as para-aminobenzoic acid, Vitamin Bx or padimate O (which is a water-insoluble derivative), research has found that it can amplify cellular damage despite its claims of non-toxic compound.

Other ingredients to lookout:

These ingredients coat your skin like plastic which clogs pores and create build-up for toxins. It also slows cellular development that could cause pre-mature aging, hormonal activity disruption and leads to cancer as well.
Used as a lubricant and conditioning agent, this silicone-based polymer (also known as polymethysiloxane) poses organ (non reproductive) toxicity such as mild itching, burning sensation and can actually worsen dryness in some individuals. Although it claims to have a low risk from others, might as well use those that give no risk at all!
This is widely used as antimicrobial preservatives in food, cosmetics and even other toiletries. They are absorbed through intact skin and from gastrointestinal tract and blood. Studies show that they endocrine disruptors and estrogen mimickers that can produce more genes causing human breast tumor cells. Safety Cosmetics also added reproductive toxicity, immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity and skin irritation as side effects to these.
Petroleum by-Products:
Propylene glycol, PEGs, isopropyl alcohol are classified in this ingredient.  Unknown to consumers and their infants and children , it leads to risks of cancer, genetic damage and reproductive toxicity which includes infertility. (from Dr. Samuel S.Epstein, MD, Chairman of the Cancer Prevention Coalition)
Synthetic Fragrance (Pthalates):
The book Toxic Beauty by Dr. Samuel S. Epstein , MD  say there has been a correlation between phalates and premature breast development  in girls younger than 8 years old and the concentrations of the pthalates in their blood. Based on other research,   exposure to these affects the sexual development of baby boys too.
Synthetic Colorants:
Synthetic colorants a.ka. F D& C(Food dyes and colorants) have been known to raise risks of contracting various forms of cancer. Therefore, Organic Consumers Association tells us to avoid it "at all costs"!

That was pretty heaps huh! So, if you want to get the best brands of organic sunscreens, might as well check out  EWG's Sunscreen Guide to get the top safest brands. Dark Side of Tanning says , the best way to avoid the skin cancer is to might as well prevent exposing yourself under the sun especially between 10am to 3pm. Seek shade, or wear protective clothing covering your skin especially legs and arms and wear a wide brim hat! I hope this is an eye-opener for all of us especially those who would want to get a tan and to those who are too confident in applying a sunscreen as if it's an invisible armor to the skin. After all, let me repeat the campaign, "There's Nothing Healthy About a Tan" and avoidance is better than a cure!

Enjoy your summer and Cheers! :-)

ROSETTE of Opting Organics