Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Struggle for Organic Food

I have been craving for a sweet yellow corn for almost a month now. However, it seems that God or even fate is not allowing me so. Or maybe the timing isn't right yet. But, I guess I will be changing my mind unless I know it comes from organically grown farm... Tough huh? 

I have been subscribing to Dr. Mercola's articles and sadly, corn is just one of the top 8 food crops that are genetically modified (GM) or gentically altered products which according to Mercola: "could pose serious health and environmental risks". Mercola also mentions that the best way to to avoid these GM crops is to buy food with an Organic Seal.

I admit, I am conscious on the hair, facial and body care products that I use and make sure that it is only made from natural and organic ingredients. Yet, when it comes to food, I still have to work it out. Choosing organically grown food is really hard and of course, expensive. That's why this blog is called "Opting Organics" because I am still in the process of opting solely to it. I will be writing my struggles and habits as to how to live a healthy lifestyle especially with regards to switching to organic products. 

As of the moment that I don't have the resources yet to look for a true blue organic food or crop, I just make sure to eat more vegetables and fruits as possible as well as minimize pork. Although sometimes, it is still unavoidable, I just concentrate on eating fruits and veggies for my breakfast. So far, I have succeeded for 3 days now by just eating fruits for breakfast and a piece or two bite sizes of bread. Woohoo! I call it a success!

That's all for now and within this week, I will research the different organic seals to look upon when we shop for organic food.

Cheers to health!

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