Thursday, July 21, 2011

My First Purchase of Certified Organic Food

I am not so sure if it has been my first purchase of a certified organic food but let me still consider it as my first since it is truly the first organic food that I have consciously bought two weeks ago in a supermarket with the certified USDA Organic Seal. It's an organic oatmeal. Yeah, I eat it usually before going to work or first thing in the morning. I don't get conscious if there are visible results happening to my body when taking it but one thing's for sure, it will do a lot of benefits in the future. Of course, I would still buy with due diligence and at the same time I will buy what's within the budget or only those that I need the most for now. But I believe I also have a responsibility spread the advocacy of using organic and natural products as a major option if you want to have a better healthy lifestyle!

It would probably cost us dearer when purchasing it but it'll cost less in the future! Here are the
pictures that I took:

    Take note of the USDA Organic seal! Here's the 3rd photo courtesy of for a clear view of the packaging... :)

Cheers to Health!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Another Ally in the Natural and Organic World

I just found another ally in the natural and organic world. As I was looking for resources for my last blog about raw and organic milk, I chanced upon Organic Grocery Deals which of course deals with organic products that we can find at our supermarkets or better yet help us find organic stores to shop! I just joined them so that I get updated with the latest news pertaining to all organic deals. There are several forums we can join with and you can choose whatever suits you! For more info on how to join, register here.

Enjoy and Cheers to Health! :-)

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Raw Milk Prevails

One of the major things that I should consider in using organic is intake of dairy products. A lot of studies have been written about how harmful dairy products can be especially when it is not certified organic or raw. The harmful chemicals of milk are actually due to the antibiotics that are being injected on cows to increase the production of milk on cows which eventually did harm than good as well as compromising the quality of the milk.

So, what is the difference between raw milk and organic milk? The difference is like black and white or Jack and Jill? You know what I mean? I have been researching for a valuable to these questions for quite a number of days now. Raw Milk comes straight from a cow (grass-fed to be exact) without having to heat it up thus retaining the natural flavor and nutrients it has and not changing it in any way. As for organic milk, it probably still come straight from a cow but it was already heated or changed in any way. Most of all, these come from grain-fed cows though not necessarily homogenized. There is barely anything that talks about organic milk. As what another article said, the organic word has been over used that you´d still be careful on what you pick in the supermarket.

I remember tasting probably a raw milk as a kid but I don´t remember the taste anymore. I don´t think I had problems with my stomach also that time. Still, I would´ve preferred raw milk over organic milk. Currently, I don´t drink milk anymore as much as possible so as to avoid health risks. But if I could find a suitable dairy farm that feeds grass to its cattle, why not give it a try instead.

Milk used to be labeled as one of the sources of Calcium but with all the risks of pasteurized milk coming out, a doubt already arose and thereby looking for another source of Calcium. Non-milk lovers rejoice over this discovery. Good thing there are other sources of the mineral other than milk and it´s got more of it!

Going back to milk, Raw Milk prevails! Want to know more on Raw Milk? Check this out or you may read another article source too!

Cheers to Health! :-)