Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Healthy Fast Food Chain?

Who says fast food stores are not healthy?  A  headline on AOL caught my eye. A picture of a healthy looking food. However, it says that it has problems but not with the healthy or calories on its food but something bigger which is rising food costs that would cripple Chipotle´s expansion plans. But what shocked me more was the fact that it is one of America´s fastest growing fast food chains..probably not not so close to McDonald´s and Burger King. Yet, what amazed me was the fact that Chipotle Mexican grill manages to maintain to serve and cook ¨Food with Integrity¨, which is also their official slogan.

As what the website says, they are committed to serve food that are organic, locally produced and  animals also are raised without antibiotics and synthetic hormones which makes it not compromising great taste! Although not all the ingredients are certified organic (USDA Organic seal and  Naturally Grown Seals), they choose still the best ingredients that are fresh and produced locally (in every branch they look for local producers as suppliers instead of having a centralized supply).They also make sure that it also protects the environment.  I sure hope they open a branch soon here in the Philippines so I can try their stuff and in the same way help our local farmers!

Cheers to health and organics!  :-)

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